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Ch.1: The Earth and the Graticule

The Earth and the Graticule | Class 6 | Geography | Chapter 1 | Maharashtra State Board

The Earth and the Graticule | Class 6 | Geography | Chapter 1 | Maharashtra State Board

In this video, we will explore the concept of the earth and its graticule. We will take a fun approach to learning about maps and how they are used to measure the horizontal and vertical diameter of the earth. Exploring the globe, we will guide you in measuring the angular distance of the earth. We will show you the parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude on the globe, and explain what a graticule is. Additionally, we will delve into the technical aspects of mapping, including GIS, GPS, Google Maps, Wikimapia, and Bhuvan, all of which are based on the graticule system. By the end of this video, you will have a deeper understanding of maps and the importance of the graticule system in accurately measuring and understanding the earth.

Questions & Answers

A. Place a tick mark ✅ against the correct option.

1. What term is used for the imaginary east-west horizontal lines on the earth?

Meridians ⬜

International Date Line ⬜


2. What is the shape of the meridians?

Circular ⬜


Points ⬜

3. What do the parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude together form on the globe?

Angular distance ⬜

Hemisphere ⬜


4. How many parallels are there in the northern hemisphere?



91 ⬜

5. Which circle forms the eastern and western hemispheres?

0° parallel Meridian and 180° meridian

0° prime Meridian and 180° meridian

North and South Polar circles ⬜

6. Which circle appears as a point on the globe?

Equator ⬜

North/South Pole

Prime Meridian ⬜

7. How many places on the earth may be located on 45° N parallel?

one ⬜


two ⬜

B. Observe a globe and examine the following statements. Correct the wrong ones.

1. Parallels of latitude lie parallel to the Prime Meridian.

Ans. Wrong. (Parallels of latitude lie parallel to the equator.)

2. All parallels of latitude converge at the equator.

Ans. Wrong. (All meridians of longitude converge at the poles.)

3. Parallels and meridians are imaginary lines.

Ans. Right

4. 8°4'65'' N is a north meridian.

Ans. Wrong. (8°4'65"N is a north parallel.)

5. Meridians are parallel to each other.

Ans. Wrong. (Latitudes are parallel to each other.)

C. Find the correct graticule out of the following and put tick mark ✅ against.

D. Answer the following.

1. How will you express the latitude and longitude of the North Pole?

Ans. The latitude of the North Pole is universally accepted as 90 degrees north, often represented as 90°N. As for the longitude of the North Pole, it is traditionally considered to be 0 degrees, commonly referred to as 0° or 0°E (east). This convention establishes the Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, London, as the reference point for measuring longitudes. Therefore, the standard representation for the latitude and longitude of the North Pole is 90°N, 0°E.

2. How much is the angular distance between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn?

Ans. The angular distance between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is approximately 47 degrees.

The Tropic of Cancer is located at approximately 23.5 degrees north of the equator, while the Tropic of Capricorn is situated at approximately 23.5 degrees south of the equator.

Therefore, the total angular distance between them is the sum of the two latitudes:

23.5° + 23.5° = 47°

Hence, the angular distance between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is approximately 47 degrees.

3. Using a globe, write down the names of the countries through which the equator passes.

Ans. When looking at a globe, the following countries are crossed by the equator: São Tomé and Príncipe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil.

4. Write down the main uses of the graticule.

Ans. Graticules are essential for determining locations on Earth. In the modern age, various technologies like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Google Maps, Wikimapia, and ISRO's Bhuvan utilize graticules for precise location referencing and mapping purposes.

E. Complete the following table.


Parallels of latitudes

Meridians of longitudes





Size of each parallel is different.

Size of each meridian is the same.


Distance between two adjacent parallels is the same everywhere.

Distance between two meridians is larger on the equator and the same goes decreasing towards the poles.



A. Fill in the Blanks.
  1. A miniature model of the earth is called a globe. (ball, globe, sphere)

  2. The location of any place on the earth is determined with reference to the centre of the earth. (poles, circle, centre)

  3. The equator is considered as 0° parallel. (equator, poles, circles)

  4. The equator bisects the earth into north and south parts. (poles, equator, circles)

  5. The 0° meridian is known as the Prime Meridian. (Central meridian, Equator, Prime Meridian)

  6. Each degree is divided into 60 minutes. (minutes, hours, seconds)

  7. All meridians are equal in size. (unequal, equal, uneven)

  8. Exact location of a place on the earth can be located using latitude and longitude coordinates. (equator, latitude and longitude coordinates, Prime Meridian)

  9. The distance between any two adjacent parallels is 111 km. on the surface of the earth. (111 km, 102 km, 44 km)

  10. The parallels and meridians on the globe form a net that is called a graticule. (latitude, graticule, longitude)

B. Answer in one sentence.

1. What are parallels of latitudes?

Ans. Parallels of latitudes are imaginary horizontal lines that encircle the Earth parallel to the equator. They are used to measure distances north or south of the equator in degrees.

2. How many parallels are there in the northern hemisphere?

Ans. In the northern hemisphere, there are 90 parallels of latitude.

3. Which circle divides the earth in the eastern and western hemisphere?

Ans. The circle that divides the Earth into the eastern and western hemispheres is called the Prime Meridian. It is an imaginary line that passes through Greenwich, London, and is designated as 0 degrees longitude.

4. What is the distance between any two adjacent parallels on the surface of the earth?

Ans. The distance between any two adjacent parallels on the surface of the Earth is approximately constant and is equal to 111 kilometers.

5. What is a graticule?

Ans. A graticule is a grid of parallel lines representing latitude and longitude on maps, used for precise location and navigation.

6. What is used to determine the location on the earth?

Ans. Location on Earth is determined using latitude and longitude coordinates, which specify north-south and east-west positions respectively.

C. Write the full forms.

1. GIS

Ans. Geographical Information System

2. GPS

Ans. Global Positioning System


Ans. Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System


Ans. Indian Space Research Organisation

D. Give geographical reasons.

1. Parallels and meridians are imaginary lines on the earth.

Ans. Parallels and meridians can be drawn on maps or globes to represent the Earth's surface, but they are not physically visible lines on the Earth itself. That is why parallels and meridians are imaginary lines on the earth.

2. Geographers developed a miniature model of the earth in the form of a globe.

Ans. Geographers developed globes as a solution to the challenges posed by the uneven nature of the land, oceanic waters, forests, islands, and buildings. Globes provide a miniature model of the Earth that overcomes these difficulties and allows for accurate representation and study.

3. Latitude and longitudes are expressed into degree, minutes and seconds.

Ans. To account for more precise measurements within a distance of approximately 111 kilometers, degrees in latitude and longitude are further divided into smaller units. These smaller units are known as minutes and seconds, allowing for more accurate location determination on Earth's surface.

E. Answer in brief.

1. Explain the meaning of the term ‘equator’.

Ans. The equator is an imaginary circle dividing the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres at 0 degrees latitude. It serves as a reference line for measuring latitude and influences climate and navigation.

2. What are Poles of the earth?

Ans. On both globes and the Earth's surface, the North Pole and the South Pole appear as points located at the respective ends of the Earth's axis. The North Pole is the northernmost point, while the South Pole is the southernmost point on the Earth.

Note: If you have any additional questions or feedback, please leave them in the comment section below. We will try to answer them and update this blog accordingly as soon as possible.

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