Natural Resources | Class 6 | Geography | Chapter 8 | Maharashtra State Board
In this video, we will explore the Natural Resources that surround us every day. We will delve into the various types of natural resources like air, water, soils, land, minerals, plants, and animals, and highlight their significance in our lives. We will discuss how we depend on these resources and utilize them in various ways. For instance, air is essential for breathing and provides a medium for transporting sound and light, while water is crucial for our survival and is used in a variety of activities, from agriculture to manufacturing. We will also talk about the impact of human activities on these resources and suggest ways to use them sustainably. By watching this video, you will gain a better understanding of the natural resources that make our lives possible and learn how to be more mindful of their usage.
Questions & Answers
A. What is the use of the following resources?
(1) Water
(2) Forests
(3) Animals
(4) Minerals
(5) Land.
Water: Water is used for drinking, bathing, washing clothes, etc. It is also used for farming, carrying out fishing, producing salt, etc.
Forests: Forests are used for gathering products such as fruits, flowers, wood, honey, rubber, resin, latex, etc. Forests are the habitats for many animals.
Animals: Animals are useful for ploughing, riding, transporting goods etc. They are also useful for getting products like milk, eggs, meat, bones, hide, wool, etc.
Minerals: Metallic minerals are useful for obtaining various minerals such as iron, bauxite, etc. Non-metallic minerals are useful for obtaining various chemicals like gypsum, rock salt, calcite, etc.
Land: Land is used for selling and buying, agriculture, constructing house, trading, carrying out business, etc. All living things that are born on land grow, live and die on the land itself.
B. Complete the following chart.
Natural Resources
Soil | Air | Water | Mineral | Vegetation | Water | Animal |
Agriculture | Respiration | Drinking | Metal | Wood | Fish | Milk, Egg, Meat |
C. Answer the following questions.
1. What factors influence the formation of soil?
Ans. (1) Due to continuous variations in temperature, rocks get decomposed.
(2) Due to rivers, glaciers and wind, rock particles are deposited slowly towards low-lying areas.
In this way, the factors like original rock, climate, organic components, slope of land and time influence the formation of soil.
2. Which products are obtained from forest?
Ans. Products obtained from forest are:
Latex, etc.
3. What are the uses of minerals?
Ans. (1) Metallic minerals are used for obtaining metals such as iron, bauxite, etc. (2) Non-metallic minerals are used in obtaining various chemicals. These chemicals are further used for preparing different medicines.
4. What are the purposes for which land is used?
Ans. Land is used for constructing house, farming, trading, carrying out business, etc. All living things are born on land grow, live and die on the land itself.
5. Why is it necessary to conserve the natural resources?
Ans. (1) Most of the natural resources are limited in nature.
(2) Increase in human population and the greed of humans led to exploitative use of natural resources. This began to upset the balance of nature. Therefore, it is necessary to conserve natural resources.
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